Donald Trump refers to any real news he doesn't like as "fake news." As most of us can see, he's only projecting what's true about himself onto public information he wishes to discredit.
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Lao Tzu
"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Friday, February 10, 2017
Gender is a Spectrum
How about we clear up the popular misconception that gender is a binary. It is not. It is a spectrum, with extremes of masculinity and femininity at both ends and various blends of each in between.
As for biological sex, a study on the incidence of congenital anomalies in newborns found only 2 “ambiguous” sex births (not clearly male or female) out of 4,454. That’s a percentage of 0.04490345. Thus, for all practical purposes, we can safely say that sex is a binary, not a spectrum, whereas gender can easily be recognized as a spectrum. Also, while sex is biologically determined, gender results from a mix of both biology and cultural, societal conditioning, or constructs. In any case, how about not conflating gender with biological sex?
The problem is, our culture presents gender as a binary. When gender becomes conflated with sex as a binary, where an either-or, male/female imperative rules thinking (“You’re either male or female gender”), and masculinity and femininity must align with biological sex identity, then we’re going to see confusion and dysphoria in sensitive, vulnerable people.
Monday, September 12, 2016
10-year-old Barron Trump says, “Daddy doesn’t know I took this picture. He’ll kill me for this!”
I doubt it, but you can understand why a little 10-year-old would fear THAT daddy.
See, normally Donald Trump’s face resembles an angry slab of red meat topped with a garnish of spaghetti squash. It’s true!
But is that fair? Just remember— he must spend every moment of his waking life bolstering the facade of a hard-charging tycoon with the fearless heart of a honey badger, and so, naturally, he looks a little, well, catawampus.
Remember too, hiding within every bully is a fragile, wounded child who still sucks his thumb when nobody’s looking.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Presidential Election 2016 in the Land of Oz
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Monday, December 7, 2015
Donald Trump’s Secret Weapon
“GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump's campaign released a written statement on Monday calling for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States."
In short, Donald Trump’s mouth is not a mouth at all. Hello, it’s a cloaca. This would be consistent with my previous suspicions that he may be more reptilian than human.
And that’s not all. Very much like the humble, though attractively shaped, Echiura, or spoon worm, Trump’s brain is housed in his proboscis, or, more colloquially, his nose. But that’s okay. It’s a very small brain and doesn’t need much room for the minimal tasks he demands of it.
Only yesterday, his cloaca extruded this smelly bit of paranoid fantasy: “...there is something going on with him that we don’t know about,” in reference to President Obama’s refusal to use the term “radical Islamic terrorism;” and that reminds us all of Trump’s previous questioning Obama’s birthplace and false claiming that the President practices Islam.
So, there you have it, for now. I’m sure there’s more to come, given the nature of his speech impediment, or “secret weapon,” if you prefer.
By the way, no apologies: In previous incarnations, I have railed against the dehumanization of the enemy. But see, the enemy has to start out as human, before it can be dehumanized. And anyway, I allow myself a bit of inconsistency here and there: “consistency is not really a human trait,” as the great hippy philosopher, Dame Marjorie "Maude" Chardin, told Harold in Harold and Maude.
[See comments over at’s-secret-weapon
Only yesterday, his cloaca extruded this smelly bit of paranoid fantasy: “...there is something going on with him that we don’t know about,” in reference to President Obama’s refusal to use the term “radical Islamic terrorism;” and that reminds us all of Trump’s previous questioning Obama’s birthplace and false claiming that the President practices Islam.
So, there you have it, for now. I’m sure there’s more to come, given the nature of his speech impediment, or “secret weapon,” if you prefer.
By the way, no apologies: In previous incarnations, I have railed against the dehumanization of the enemy. But see, the enemy has to start out as human, before it can be dehumanized. And anyway, I allow myself a bit of inconsistency here and there: “consistency is not really a human trait,” as the great hippy philosopher, Dame Marjorie "Maude" Chardin, told Harold in Harold and Maude.
[See comments over at’s-secret-weapon
Saturday, December 5, 2015
My STOLEN Flush Rush Quarterly Piece:
"RUSH LIMBAUGH HERE, Broadcasting from Rome, circa Jesus of Nazareth”
"RUSH LIMBAUGH HERE, Broadcasting from Rome, circa Jesus of Nazareth”
Fool that I am, way back when I sent a piece I'd written to the now-defunct Flush Rush Quarterly and immediately forgot about it. Later, however, I happened to pick up an old copy of the rag, turned a few pages, and there it was— my piece, intact and unedited, except for the author's name: they'd published it UNDER SOME MAN'S NAME! How shrewd of the editors. A humorist by the name of "Henry Kesselmann" didn't exist —I searched and searched— but, as everyone knows, "women don't write satire," and so what else could the editors do?
Well, here it is, just for the record. It's a Christmas story, folks. Nothing much, but it's MINE!

How ironic too, how the editors placed evidence of Rush Limbaugh's sexism on the same page: See the box: "TAKE THE VOTE FROM WOMEN," just as they themselves had taken my authorship from me on the same page!
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